Friday, August 31, 2007

August 31, 2007

With summer camp a few weeks behind us, it is time to share some of the natural wonders we have witnessed with our campers:

Black Swallowtail emerging from chrysalis (click here for pictures)
Northern Dusky Salamander guarding eggs
Great Blue Heron flying along the river
Spring and Two-lined Salamanders
American Toad secreting from Paratoid glands
Pitcher Plants, Sundew, and other unique bog flora
...And More!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2007

Chip, Sandal, Amelia, and Larry took a field trip to Peecham Bog, and found Common Gartersnakes, Pitcher Plants, Labrador Tea, Cranberry, and more

Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2, 2007

It's been a great year for Peregrine Falcons in Vermont. The Marshfield Mountain pair, which NBNC staff and volunteers monitored successfully fledged one chick. This report is courtesy of the National Wildlife Federation in Vermont.

Preliminary Statistics:
Territorial Pairs: 35 (new record)
Nesting Pairs: 31 (new record)
Successful Pairs: 23 (74%)
Fledglings: 56 (up from 45 last year)

Site by Site Results:
1. Arrowhead Mt (Milton) - failed
2. Bald Mt (W Haven) - 2
3. Barnet Roadcut (Barnet) - 1
4. Belvidere Mt Quarry (Lowell) - 4
5. Benson Ledges (Benson) - 3
6. Bird Mt (Ira) - 3
7. Bolton Notch (Bolton) -4
8. Bone Mt (Bolton) - 1
9. Bristol Cliffs (Bristol) - 2 (min)
10. Brousseau Mt (Averill) - territorial pair
11. Checkerberry Ledge (Bakersfield) - failed
12. Crystal Lake (Barton) - 4
13. Deer Leap (Bristol) - 3
14. Elephant Mt (Bristol) -3
15. Fairlee Palisades (Fairlee) - renest failed
16. Haystack Mt (Pawlet) - failed
17. Hazen*s Notch (Lowell) - 3
18. Highgate Cliffs (Highgate Springs) - 4
19. Jobs Mt (Westmore) - 1
20. Marshfield Mt (Marshfield) - 1
21. Mt Horrid (Rochester) - 1
22. Mt Pisgah (Westmore) - 1
23. Nebraska Notch (Underhill) - renest failed
24. Nichols Ledge (Woodbury) - 3
25. Pond Mt (Wells) - 2 (min)
26. Rattlesnake Pt (Salisbury) - failed
27. Red Rock (Hinesburg) - 3
28. Red Rock Bay (Benson) - territorial pair
29. Sawyer Mt (Fairlee) - 2
30. Skitchewaug Mt (Springfield) - failed
31. Smuggler*s Notch (Cambridge) - 1
32. Snake Mt (Addison) - territorial pair
33. Swanton Quarry (Swanton) - 4
34. Vulture Mt (Stockbridge) - territorial pair
35. Wallace Ledge (Wallace Ledge) - failed

August 2, 2007

It's been a great year for Peregrine Falcons in Vermont. The Marshfield Mountain pair, which NBNC staff and volunteers monitored successfully fledged one chick. This report is courtesy of the National Wildlife Federation in Vermont.

Preliminary Statistics:
Territorial Pairs: 35 (new record)
Nesting Pairs: 31 (new record)
Successful Pairs: 23 (74%)
Fledglings: 56 (up from 45 last year)

Site by Site Results:
1. Arrowhead Mt (Milton) - failed
2. Bald Mt (W Haven) - 2
3. Barnet Roadcut (Barnet) - 1
4. Belvidere Mt Quarry (Lowell) - 4
5. Benson Ledges (Benson) - 3
6. Bird Mt (Ira) - 3
7. Bolton Notch (Bolton) -4
8. Bone Mt (Bolton) - 1
9. Bristol Cliffs (Bristol) - 2 (min)
10. Brousseau Mt (Averill) - territorial pair
11. Checkerberry Ledge (Bakersfield) - failed
12. Crystal Lake (Barton) - 4
13. Deer Leap (Bristol) - 3
14. Elephant Mt (Bristol) -3
15. Fairlee Palisades (Fairlee) - renest failed
16. Haystack Mt (Pawlet) - failed
17. Hazen*s Notch (Lowell) - 3
18. Highgate Cliffs (Highgate Springs) - 4
19. Jobs Mt (Westmore) - 1
20. Marshfield Mt (Marshfield) - 1
21. Mt Horrid (Rochester) - 1
22. Mt Pisgah (Westmore) - 1
23. Nebraska Notch (Underhill) - renest failed
24. Nichols Ledge (Woodbury) - 3
25. Pond Mt (Wells) - 2 (min)
26. Rattlesnake Pt (Salisbury) - failed
27. Red Rock (Hinesburg) - 3
28. Red Rock Bay (Benson) - territorial pair
29. Sawyer Mt (Fairlee) - 2
30. Skitchewaug Mt (Springfield) - failed
31. Smuggler*s Notch (Cambridge) - 1
32. Snake Mt (Addison) - territorial pair
33. Swanton Quarry (Swanton) - 4
34. Vulture Mt (Stockbridge) - territorial pair
35. Wallace Ledge (Wallace Ledge) - failed